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What we grow
With our indoor, climate controlled facility, we can grow dozens of edible mushroom species, depending on the demand. Currently, our focus has been the following:  


Culinary Use

Oyster mushrooms are highly prized in the culinary world for their delicate flavor and unique texture. They are versatile and can be used in
various dishes. Oyster mushrooms work well in stir-fries, soups, pasta
dishes, risottos, and even as a meat substitute in vegetarian recipes. They
have a tendency to absorb flavors from other ingredients, making them a
great addition to many dishes.
Oyster mushrooms offer a mild, delicate flavor with subtle earthy and
slightly sweet undertones. Their taste is often described as savory and
mushroomy, but not overpowering. The flavor intensifies when cooked,
adding depth to dishes without overpowering other ingredients.
Oyster mushrooms have a unique texture that sets them apart. They are
known for their tender, velvety texture and a slightly chewy bite. When
cooked, oyster mushrooms maintain their firmness but become more
succulent. They can absorb flavors well while retaining a pleasant
Medicinal Value
Oyster mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for their
potential health benefits. They are believed to have various medicinal
properties, including immune-boosting and cholesterol-lowering effects.
Oyster mushrooms contain bioactive compounds like polysaccharides,
which have been studied for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties. Additionally, they are a good source of protein, dietary fiber,
and vitamins B, C, and D.


Lion's Mane

Culinary Use

Lion's Mane mushrooms are highly regarded for their unique appearance
and taste. They have a delicate, seafood-like flavor, often described as
resembling crab or lobster. Lion's Mane mushrooms can be cooked in
various ways, including sautéing, grilling, baking, or even used raw in
salads. They are a versatile ingredient and can be incorporated into dishes
like stir-fries, soups, risottos, and pasta.
Lion's Mane mushrooms offer a unique flavor that sets them apart from
other mushroom species. They have a sweet, seafood-like taste,
reminiscent of crab or lobster. The flavor is delicate and often described
as subtle and mild. When cooked, Lion's Mane mushrooms develop a rich
umami flavor that pairs well with various ingredients.
Lion's Mane mushrooms have a remarkable texture that resembles
cooked seafood. The spines of the mushroom are soft and have a tender,
almost meaty quality. When cooked, they have a slightly firm and chewy
texture, similar to that of shellfish. This texture makes them an intriguing
and sought-after ingredient for vegetarian or vegan dishes that aim to
mimic the mouthfeel of seafood.
Medicinal Value
Lion's Mane mushrooms have been highly valued in traditional medicine
for their potential health benefits. They contain various bioactive
compounds, including hericenones and erinacines, which are believed to
have neuroprotective properties and may support brain health and
cognitive function. Additionally, Lion's Mane mushrooms are known for
their potential anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing effects. They
are often used in traditional Chinese medicine for digestive and
gastrointestinal health.



Culinary Use
Reishi mushrooms are known more for their medicinal properties than
their culinary use. They have a bitter and woody flavor, which makes them
less suitable for direct consumption in most culinary applications.
However, they can be used to prepare teas, infusions, or tinctures, where
the flavor can be extracted and enjoyed in a more palatable form. Reishi
mushroom extracts are also available as dietary supplements.
Reishi mushrooms have a distinctly bitter and earthy flavor profile. The
bitterness can be quite strong and may not be preferred by everyone.
This bitterness is due to the presence of triterpenes and other bioactive
compounds. To make them more palatable, Reishi mushrooms are often
consumed in the form of extracts or combined with other ingredients to
balance the flavor.
Reishi mushrooms have a tough and woody texture, making them
challenging to eat in their whole form. They are typically used to prepare
teas or infusions, where their medicinal properties can be extracted. The
texture is not considered pleasant for direct consumption, so the focus is
primarily on utilizing them for their potential health benefits. With that
being said, young reishi mushrooms can be harvested while still meaty.
Medicinal Value
Reishi mushrooms have been highly valued in traditional Chinese
medicine for their potential health benefits. They are regarded as
adaptogens, which means they may help the body adapt to stress and
promote overall well-being. Reishi mushrooms are believed to have
immune-enhancing properties and are often used to support immune
function. They are also known for their potential anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant, and calming effects.

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